Copy-On-Write vs Merge-On-Read in Apache Iceberg
Updating Tables on the Data Lake
data lakes用于解决成本、扩展性的问题,用独立的技术来解决如存储,计算等问题,可扩展也可以通过对象存储来解决
lake house则从传统的数据仓库,往数据湖方向走
而对于写密集型的场景,data lake 需要在计算、存储之间增加新的抽象,来实现 ACID 保证以及性能,这也是 数据湖表格式出现的原因
iceberg 就是存储和计算之间的表格式
iceberg提供了 ACID保障,v2表格式 可以在不可变数据删实现 update、delete,而不用重写整个文件
有两种方式可以实现 update、delete等特性
- copy-on-write (COW)
- merge-on-read (MOR).
没有一种通吃的方案,每个方案都是 trade-off,有他们合适的场景,主要考虑的是 读、写的延迟
这也不是 iceberg 特有的问题,对于其他场景,如 lambda 架构也会存在这些问题
CoW-Best for tables with frequent reads, infrequent writes/updates, or large batch updates
CoW,当要更新、删除 某一行、或者一批行时,会将数据文件复制一份
写入的速度依赖于要更新多少 数据文件(重写这些文件),在并发执行时也会导致冲突,出现更多的重试
如果要更新很多行,那么 CoW 倒是不错的选择,但如果更新的行也少,也需要重写整个文件,代价就比较高了
对于读来说,没有什么额外要做的事情,正常读就可以了,所以适合 读多写少的场景
Summary of COW (Copy-On-Write) | |
Fastest reads | Expensive writes |
Good for infrequent updates/deletes | Bad for frequent updates/deletes |
MoR - Best for tables with frequent writes/updates
MoR 时,文件不需要重写,只需 将更改写入到新文件中,在读取的时候使,将这些变更 merge 到原始文件中,形成 新的状态
这种方式写入时很快,但也意味着 读的时候,需要做更多的事情
iceberg 是通过跟踪 update、delete的文件实现的
如果是更新一行,delete 文件也会个跟踪这个 update,之后读取时会忽略掉旧的数据
而做了数据压缩之后,就跟 LSM 树格式一样,只会记录合并后的少量数据,更新前的数据就会被忽略
Position Deletes
这个策略 很大程度上减少了update、delete的写时间,读的时候,merge 的成本也相对较低
Equality Deletes
在删除文件中记录 待删除/更新的 字段,以及值
这种策略在 更新的时候,比 Position Deletes要快很多
Minimizing the Read Costs
当执行压缩时,会写入新文件,这个文件根据 删除文件,旧文件做了合并重建,这样读取时就不需要做额外操作了
推荐定期执行 压缩,这样对读的的影响就降低了,同时也能保持高的写性能
Types of Delete Files Summary
How it works | Pros | Cons | How to manage read costs | Good fit | |
Position | Tracks file path and row position in file | Fast writes | Slower reads | Run compaction jobs regularly | Better forfrequent updates/deletes in which copy- on-write is not fast enough |
Equality | Tracks query criteria for delete/update targets | Super-fast writes | Much slower reads | For when updates/deletes with position deletes is still not fast enough |
When to Use COW and When to Use MOR
选择 CoW、MoR/position、MoR/equality 取决于如何使用表
Approach | Update/Delete Frequency | Insert Performance | Update/Delete Latency/Performance | Read Latency/Performance |
Copy-On-Write | Infrequent updates/deletes | Same | Slowest | Fastest |
Merge-On-Read Position Deletes | Frequent updates/deletes | Same | Fast | Fast |
Merge-On-Read Equality Deletes | Frequent updates/deletes where position delete MOR is still not fast enough on the write sid | Same | Fastes | Slowest |
Configuring COW and MOR
COW 、MOR 不是非此即彼的选项,可以在表的配置中 独立的设置 delete、update、merge选项
可以使用 alter 修改
Further Optional Delete/Updates Fine-Tuning Strategies
- 分区字段一般包含在查询中,特别像时间戳这样的字段,可以加速查询
- 排序表字段一般也包含在分区字段中,如 timestamp
- 对单独的列做额外的元数据调整,可以用 write.metadata.metrics 对每个字段做细粒度调整
- 比如对于流写入,一般波动不会太大,可以禁用 check-ordering 设置,这样就不会检查写入数据的字段是否与表顺序相同,可以节省时间
- Apache Iceberg 101 – Your Guide to Learning Apache Iceberg Concepts and Practices
- Exploring the Architecture of Apache Iceberg, Delta Lake, and Apache Hudi
- Compaction in Apache Iceberg: Fine-Tuning Your Iceberg Table’s Data Files
- Deep Dive Into Configuring Your Apache Iceberg Catalog with Apache Spark
- Hadoop Modernization: A Framework for Success
- Apache Iceberg FAQ
- Multi-Table Transactions on the Lakehouse – Enabled by Dremio Arctic
- A Hands-On Look at the Structure of an Apache Iceberg Table
- New: Row-Level and Column-Level Access Controls
- Compaction in Apache Iceberg: Fine-Tuning Your Iceberg Table’s Data Files
- Table Format Partitioning Comparison: Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, and Delta Lake
- Migrating a Hive Table to an Iceberg Table Hands-on Tutorial
- Table Format Governance and Community Contributions: Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, and Delta Lake
- How We Got to Open Lakehouse
- Comparison of Data Lake Table Formats (Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi and Delta Lake)
- How to Build a Modern, Cloud-Native Analytics Stack with GoodData and Dremio